Monday, May 21, 2012

A Little Late

Better late than never! I know I am horrible at remembering personal favors. Or rather at making time for them. I still owe my brother a picture. I have concept sketches but nothing concrete. However, there is hope for everyone. I managed to finish one! Two days of painting (rather than doing homework, which was bad, but it happens) and I have a final product! The painting is on its way as I type this to its new owner. Here's hoping she likes it. It isn't a big painting, but it is still something. Actually the aim was not to go big this time. As I wanted it a reasonable size to hang either in home or office.

Now I just have to sit down and finish my self portrait (which I was told I look busty, yeah, Captain Obvious). I have a feeling the self portrait will take much longer and will likely have to wait until after June to finish. We shall see. I also have to work on thumbnails and preliminary sketches for IMC. Ergh is all I can say.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Pretty Pictures

Another update and it did not take months! Or at least I don't think so. A couple of pieces that I have finished and somethings I am working on. First up is completed works.

You may recognize the Fairy Dragon, this time in color! Done with oil paints.

Forgive the glare, I did not get a picture of the piece before I framed it for the student show. When it gets pulled off the wall I will retake the picture so it can be seen better.

Now for the incomplete work. Or works in progress. This is a partial self portrait a la steampunk. I have also included a Roman with a jetpack and Toby on a rocket. I will be oil painting it starting this week.

I don't always remember when I owe people things. Fact of my life. I have owed someone a painting for so long. Finally figured out what to do for her. She likes mini dachs so here is what I am working on, also to be done with oils.

Lots of work on the table. And I have to have it all done before the end of the month. Why? Because I have to mail all of my supplies to MA for IMC. Yes, I will be attending IMC (Illustration Master Class) this year (woohoo!!). Wish me luck!

In the meanwhile, hope you enjoy the updates and the pictures.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Quick Update with Sketches

The student show was great. I may not have won anything, but I think my art held its own. The winners were really good. I was just glad Photography got the chance to shine (since they complain so much how they never get noticed). No more complaining! Okay, I can be hopeful. Next year though! I promise to really make them earn their places. Muahahahaha!

I don't have much to show, however that should change relatively soon. My loving and wonderful parents bought me a new camera so I can get to taking quality pictures of my work instead of trying to wrestle with the school's scanners. Thus my paintings will start getting featured as they get done. In the meanwhile, here is a sketch dump for everyone. The ones of the boys are what happens when I get bored during jury duty (no worries I was not sketching during the trial, just during breaks). Enjoy!